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但不要只相信我们的话. 幸运的是,与我们一起工作的许多人都很乐意评论我们的表现. 

In July 2019 we started the process of searching for an Agency company to partner with for our asset fleet operations. 我们看了几个合作伙伴,最后决定和梅多·拉克合作. At the time of this letter we have been partnered with them for almost one year and it has been one of the best decisions we have ever made.



我真的很高兴我来到了梅多·拉克. 每个人都让我感到受欢迎,我不仅仅是一个号码或另一个司机. 谢谢你! for the support and encouragement and I look forward to one day retiring from here – there’s no other place I’d rather be!


野云雀和汤普逊管道集团在过去一年半的时间里一直是合作伙伴. 在此之前,我们属于另一家全球十大网赌正规平台,并合作了几年. 在这段时间里,他们专门处理了我们所有的物流需求. 他们一直是一个很棒的、值得信赖的全球十大网赌正规平台. 目前, 我们每周运送300多批货物,他们在平板床上处理我们所有的需求, 一步甲板, 多维负载和LTL负载. 卡车随时可用,价格也很有竞争力. 员工全天候待命,他们的十大彩票平台服务非常棒. 我强烈推荐他们作为一家处理任何物流需求的全球十大网赌正规平台. 如果您还有什么问题,请随时与我联系.


我现在在野云雀工作,我喜欢这家全球十大网赌正规平台. I work with Tom and Lee on the flatbed side out of Billings and they care about their drivers. 他们会迅速帮助你解决任何问题或担忧,他们真的会倾听.



这封信证明了我们和梅多·拉克之间的关系. 作为承运人, 在建立合作关系时,你需要寻找一些关键因素, 所有这些都必须增加价值和便利性.



我为梅多·拉克全球十大网赌正规平台开了20多年的车. 我喜欢他们家乡做生意的方式. 他们知道我是一个真实的人,我也了解他们. 它决定了美好的一天和糟糕的一天.


For 33 years I have been driving a truck and have never been as happy as I am driving for 野云雀. 我可以赚钱,承担我喜欢的工作,需要的时候就回家. 我在这里不仅仅是一辆卡车,他们知道我的名字,这里是我的家. 我现在是最快乐的时候.



In July 2019 we started the process of searching for an Agency company to partner with for our asset fleet operations. 我们看了几个合作伙伴,最后决定和梅多·拉克合作. At the time of this letter we have been partnered with them for almost one year and it has been one of the best decisions we have ever made.

It takes a lot of trust and investigation to go from being a completely independent business for 35 years to working with an agnecy partner. 我们有很多问题, 我很担心成为任何人的经纪人会有怎样的结果. 梅多·拉克解决了我们所有的顾虑, 解决了这些问题,并为我们的业务想出了一个解决方案. We have been very pleased that everything we worked out in the contract with 野云雀 has been followed without question. We have developed a high level of trust with 野云雀 and always feel secure that we chose the right Agency partner.

野云雀不仅提供保险等传统代理服务, billing and safety but they also provide a robust sales department who looks out for the type of freight that fits our business and the lanes we run. These services from 野云雀 allowed us to completely eliminate our billing/accounts receivable department, 我们的安全部门和我们不再雇用全职货运销售人员. The overhead savings for us have been tremendous and they have put many customer direct freight opportunities in front of us.

In addition to the savings from back office overhead, we have realized several other cost savings. 我们已经取消了保理费和利息. 我们不需要提供自己的十大彩票平台管理软件. 我们没有与司机申请相关的成本. 我们不需要维持经纪债券. 我们购买物理损坏保险为我们的设备在很大的利率通过草甸云雀. 我们没有文件扫描费. There are a multitude of other small items 野云雀 takes care of for us that could fill up an entire page. One of the best items 野云雀 Lark provides is maintaining a fleet of late-model dry van trailers that can be used by various agents to interchange drop and hook loads allowing us to sign on customers with drop trailer freight.

而以上列出的所有项目都是为我们提供的, 我们仍然保持着独立企业的身份. We still operate our company drivers and contractors the same as when we were an independent company. We still deal directly with the customers we worked with previous to becoming an agent without interference from 野云雀. 我们决定我们想做什么生意,就像我们一直做的那样. 这可能是为头脑冷静的人做经纪人最重要的方面, 像我这样顽固的企业主. 野云雀 allows us to focus on the important part of our business (which is taking care of drivers and customers) while they take care of the back office functions that do not generate more revenue for a trucking company.

关于野云雀最好的部分是我们喜欢和他们一起工作. 每个人都很愉快,每个人都接听电话和电子邮件,他们很快解决问题. We work together on the issues we all face such as safety, driver recruiting and making a profit. We can talk to our day-to-day operations contacts but we can also contact everyone up the 首席执行官 if we need to. 我们分享我们的想法,使我们各自的业务更强大. Being an agent with a great agency It is a great way to run a trucking business that we should have switched to years ago.

If you are thinking of becoming an agent or moving your current agent business I believe you will not regretting going with 野云雀. 从第一个电话到今天,我们都很享受和他们一起工作.




我现在在野云雀工作,我喜欢这家全球十大网赌正规平台. I work with Tom and Lee on the flatbed side out of Billings and they care about their drivers. 他们会迅速帮助你解决任何问题或担忧,他们真的会倾听.

最近,我在生活中遇到了困难,一切都不顺利. I was trying to move out of my house and keep working and they set me up with loads that had a little extra time and took me right by the house to get stuffed packed and moved in between and then truck issues while trying to make money before I had my surgery (Murphy's Law just won’t quit). 我很沮丧,很生气,完全筋疲力尽,因为我没有机会休息.

汤姆和李都是好人, as well as everyone else that I've spoken with up there: great attitudes and very friendly and helpful. I had my surgery last Friday and on the following Monday morning they called and checked on me to see how the surgery went, 就像这个周末到来之前一样. 像这样的人很难找到,而且非常罕见, 能和这样有爱心、诚实的人一起工作就像回家一样. 我被当作人对待,得到了真正的尊重和信任. I don’t question if I'm getting treated like the other drivers or office personnel; I know I am and I don't think that I will leave this company.

我知道我可以赚很多钱,并且通过这家全球十大网赌正规平台成功地拥有另一辆卡车. 谢谢你!, 野云雀, 感谢你成为少有的真正关心并希望司机成功的全球十大网赌正规平台, as well as for hiring some of the nicest and most amazing people I have ever had the privilege of working with, 我期待着这样的日子.



这封信证明了我们和梅多·拉克之间的关系. 作为承运人, 在建立合作关系时,你需要寻找一些关键因素, 所有这些都必须增加价值和便利性. 我们正在寻找一个可以协助十大彩票平台发展的合作伙伴, 设备租赁, 降低成本, 从而带来更高的利润率和更健康的业务. 野云雀 has been that partner and continues to be instrumental in the success of our growing business.

他们独特的家庭方式体现了我们所寻找的每一个要素, 包括一致的薪酬, 有礼貌的员工, 以及驱动程序支持. 野云雀’s dedication has exceeded our expectations and continues to go well beyond normal business hours. 我们已经开始依赖梅多·拉克对卡车十大彩票平台和常识的坚定态度, 物流解决方案. 从一开始, it has been evident that 野云雀 values our success and lives by their corporate statement, 在每一笔交易中“言出必行”. 野云雀 has consistently demonstrated their ability to help our customers and drivers alike.

作为一个企业主, I sympathize with the struggle of working in an industry where the advantage goes to larger players; transportation is no different. The transportation and logistics industries are difficult and picking your partner can be the key to your success or reason for your demise. 我们正在寻找一个值得信赖的合作伙伴,可以提供这些优势,如卡车租赁, 拖车租赁, 行政支持, 还有优越的燃油折扣计划, 其他好处包括. 享有这些福利有助于我们的办公室更好地平衡工作与生活, 创造更好的工作环境, 更大的利润, 分担工作量.

野云雀 has earned the title of partner for their support and accommodations in an ever-changing industry. My hope is whoever reads this will contemplate the successful partnership 野云雀 has been for us and how that can add value to your business.





美朵百灵鸟经纪全球十大网赌正规平台. 和野云雀十大彩票平台全球十大网赌正规平台. 是总部在MT比林斯的资产型第三方物流吗. 在美国拥有40多个终端,收入超过2亿美元, 野云雀 stands apart because of its devotion to customer service and passion for the industry.

越野服装致力于提升您全球十大网赌正规平台的形象. 让你的车手穿上OTR服装,以获得成功!
